It was a good day to avoid television, radio and internet media. I didn't want to read continuing updates on the impending execution of Sadaam Hussein. No matter how you dress 'em up, state executions are just plain gruesome.
Nor am I interested in seeing all the tributes pouring in for Gerald Ford. How low has the status of US president sunk, I ponder, that Ford is suddenly elevated to noble heights for merely being in line to succeed Nixon. I just don't understand why he is now to be praised for pardoning Tricky Dick. My best memories of Gerald Ford are those Saturday Night live sketches with Chevy Chase tripping over whatever was at hand.
Above gulls fly over Summit Lake on a sunny December day.
Below is a close-up of some moss. Nice weather for moss -- it is flourishing all over my garden now.

1 comment:
nice pics!
Gerald Fords biggest accomplishment was surviving 2 assination attempts, both by women!
Only a lucky bastard like him could get that close to Squeaky and live to tell about it.
Do you think she was wearing a WIN button?
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