John Edwards announced his candidacy for US president in tones that resounded of Sherrod Brown's winning campaign message. It's the new Popuplist Progressive wave that is appealing to so many voters. Health care, end the war, big turn around in energy policies toward sustainability and not relying on middle east oil. Job equity and decent wages.
The Village Green is endorsing anyone who says the above and looks like they have the intelligence and organizational skills to get it done. So far Dennis Kucinich and John Edwards are on message and looking good. I expect more candidates will jump on this progressive trend. People are not just tired of the same old crap, we're ready to pitch in to make good things happen. It's a little glimmer of hope in the usual dark and gloomy world of politics
Edwards has some nifty campaign ideas including getting folks on board who want to work on issues right away instead of waiting for the 2008 election. He's tapping into the DIY activism found in blogs and local progressive grass roots groups. Read more at Buckeye state blog here. Here's a handy link to Edwards' One Corps web portal.
I don't know if Edwards has a MySpace yet, but he got his campaign message out via YouTube.
He's very appealing as are many of the Dems this time around. This is all to our greater good. No matter who ends up winning it, they'll have a very impressive pool to select from to create a new and progressive executive branch. Al Gore should be head of Environmental Challenges, Dennis Kucinich for Secretary of Peace, and put Hilary on as head of Health, Education and Welfare. Obama for vice president or vice versa or any combination of the above mentioned.
Ladesbet Giriş
11 months ago
Last night a bell went off in my head when I read of Edwards candiacy announcement. I came away from the 2004 campaign really liking the man and he has stayed steady on his positions. In my opinion, as of today, an Edwards/Obama ticket could be the thing dreams are made of! (or Obama/Edwards?)
The good news is that there are so many good qualified candidates interested in running. That's bound to make life complicated for the Republicans.
I hereby rescind any favorable endorsement of John Edwards. The Village Green, along with millions of other folks, had no idea Edwards was a lying cheat.
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