So here we are in the year 2009 of the Common Era, looking out at a world still pock-marked with violence and straining under the load of too many human beings all scurrying around to grab for some more of earth's dwindling resources. Things like clean water, clean air and a bit of land not touched by toxic chemicals.
I spent New Year's eve working on a rather large drawing. I have quite a pile of unfinished work that I'd like to complete and show to others this year. That's the goal for 2009 -- get enough finished and framed to have an art show.
The drawing above is a view of religious oppression from one who isn't. I did the sketch a number of years ago, but only finished the coloring this year. My typical way of working is to do the drawing in ink and then color with colored pencils. Prismacolor is my pencil of choice. No other brand has the feel, density and hue of a well-sharpened Prismacolor pencil. And they keep adding new colors too!
I have a long-standing tradition of doing a New Year's drawing. It's my own way of clearing out the mental detritus and looking ahead at what needs to be done. It seemed more appropriate to finish one from the pile rather than start something new, so I spent long hours last night and into the dawn of January 1st coloring the old piece. But I did take an hour or so to do something new in a very small journal I picked up in NYC at a farmers' market last fall. It is a journal made out of native to Bali materials including bamboo, pakis, waru and banana trees. The paper has a very interesting texture. I plan on using it to experiment with pencils, ink and water color.
The new sketch book looks like this:

Here's a peak inside:

Love the color pencil piece. Prismacolor used to be my medium of choice many years ago but I haven't touch anything but a computer in probably 15 years. I was able to blend the colors to look like an airbrush painting, but since I've been able to airbrush in Photoshop with 10% of the time needed for colored pencil I haven't touched them.
I realize that I am woefully ignorant of computerized coloring. And I even have photoshop on this computer. Maybe I'll give it a try over summer break.
I'm in envy of your drawing talent and wanted to say Happy New Year!
Thanks Lisa! And a happy New Year to you and to your readers in Toledo as well.
And for the record, I meant to type "peek" not "peak."
Very interesting, thanks for sharing. The colors in the new year's painting are intense.
The drawing above is a view of religious oppression from one who isn't
Exactly! As soon as my mouse scrolled over your drawing I knew what you were saying!
Perfect presentation. Of course, like you, I too am free of religious oppression as you may have noted from my postings.
Just look at today's headlines to see how far wrong the religious among us have carried their obsession. Not only in Gaza but in Sri Lanka as well.
Our own home-grown fundamentalists continue to obstruct and deny rights guaranteed by the Constitution. Perhaps in 2009 will see more and more Americans reject these religious fanatics. At least I hope so.
By the way, great artistic ability which I sorely lack!
Thanks for all the kind comments! You all will be invited to my art show when it happens! Wine and soy cheese for all who attend!
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