Wednesday, November 05, 2008


What a great day and night for us all! With temps in the 70s, the voting public made our way along streets gaudy with autumn colored leaves. No line at my Kenmore precinct table. A poll worker collected my ballot and commented on the lavender fragrance I'd sprayed on earlier. She asked me if I was into aromatherapy. I said not really, but the smell of lavender did seem calming to me.

So I calmly went through the day, confident that Obama would be elected, yet inside there was that fear that comes from repeated experience that somehow, the election would be pulled from under us and everything we'd hoped would come tumbling down. I went over to my mother's tonight to watch the results with her. It was always a big deal when we were growing up -- staying up with mom and dad to watch the election returns. Both of us cheered mightily when Ohio was announced so early and everybody knew at once that McCain had no chance.

But no, it was a night for our better purpose and reason to prevail. McCain's speech was quite frankly the best one he has ever given, and he scored huge points in slapping down the boos right away. He might very well leap at the chance to be a real maverick for change and do something for posterity rather than for the wealthy few.

Obama's speech was electrifying, it was historical, it was essential in laying out the challenges ahead. When speaking of hope, mine has been that Obama would seek out the brightest minds to work on solutions with intelligence and focus.

But before looking ahead to imagine the new administration, it is good to take time to savor this momentous victory. Kudos to MSNBC for holding the camera on the stage without any comments from the pundit gallery for the duration of Obama's time on the stage.

I know how inspiring it will be for my students to see the Obama family making the White House their home. Jessie Jackson wasn't the only one crying tonight. I had to find the tissue box because I just couldn't stop. Especially during the passages about the 106 year old woman's life and what she'd witnessed.

Obama comes across as an idealist who has figured out the practicalities of achieving lofty goals. He'll need as many hands on deck as possible. If his administration proves to be half as effective as his campaign was, he'll do well indeed.


KevinBBG said...

I was scared it would all go bad at the end too, because the Republicans really know how to steal an election.

But I figure that this time very few were enthusiastic enough over McCain to risk jail for him.

I give McCain no points at all for his speech. I could hear the puzzled tone of the crowd and yelled at the TV "But he's a terrorist, you said so! How can you respect him now??"

I wonder if it will dawn on any of his followers that they were lied to.

Village Green said...

Regarding my response to McCain's speech -- I was under the spell of Obama's post-partisan exhortations. I do think that it is better to work together to solve problems than to waste time name-calling.