Sam Harris nailed it. McCain's selection of Sarah Palin has turned this political season into a reality show in which an average person finds herself nominated for understudy to the greatest position of power in this country. Harris looks at Social Security's actuarial tables for mortality and sees that there is a greater than 10% chance Palin would succeed McCain in his first term, and a 27% chance in his second.
This woman is no "average" mainstream candidate no matter what the frantic spin-meisters try to say on camera. Apparently off camera, they can be heard saying other things. So the drama builds to some kind of climactic speech opportunity later this evening -- after Project Runway we hope.
I'm thinking I'd much rather watch people sketch, shop for fabric, pin and sew than watch the GOP pretend to be breaking glass ceilings with their VP pick. Or do they really believe that putting a creationist, secessionist, book-banning, far right fundamentalist who would force all women to become prisoner's of unwanted or dangerous pregnancies up for VP is a brilliant move on the part of John McCain? I wonder how many of the delegates are actually thinking, d'oh -- should've voted for Romney?
Ladesbet Giriş
11 months ago
1 comment:
You are right to point out that some of the stories about Palin were not accurate or were blown out of context. She's still not my cup of tea.
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