Looking for something to do to celebrate Earth Day? Here's something to to mark on your calendar:
WHO: Standing Rock Cultural Arts is pleased to announce
WHAT: The 2nd Annual “Who’s Your Mama?” Earth Day and Environmental Film Festival
-Block Party, Main St., Downtown Kent, April 19
-Films at The Kent Stage, April 19 & 20
WHEN: April, 2008
WHERE: Downtown Kent and throughout Portage County
-Headline Event at The Kent Stage, 175 E. Main St., April 19 & 20
-Block Party on Main Street, Downtown Kent on April 19, 11am-5pm.
-Green Building Tour, Old Brady Lake School, Lake St. Kent, April 18
-Studio 425, 425 Gougler Ave, Sculpture, Film, and Poetry
-Films at Portage County Libraries. Locations TBA
-$10 one day
-$15 week-end pass
-$3 off for Students/Seniors
CONTACT: 330-673-4970
DIRECTIONS: www.kentstage.org/directions/html
UPDATES AND FILM SCHEDULE: www.whosyourmama.org
STANDING ROCK CULTURAL ARTS: www.standingrock.net
We are currently planning The 2nd Annual “Who’s Your Mama?” Earth Day and Environmental Film Festival to take place between April 16 and April 20, 2008. Many of the events and activities will take place at The Historic Kent Stage, 175 E. Main St. in downtown Kent.
The purpose of the festival is to celebrate Earth Day and bring a greater awareness to the idea of sustainable, ecological activities to a large number of people in our region.
We truly appreciate Mama Earth and would like to invite you to come join in the celebration!
There are 4 Main Themes.
1. Alternative Energy
2. Sustainable Agriculture
3. Conservation
4. Multi-Media Environmental Education (Films, Fashion, Dance..)
Here’s what has been planned so far:
-MAIN STREET IN DOWNTOWN KENT WILL BE CLOSED ON APRIL 19, between Depeyester and Water Streets for environmental activities and displays.
-A Solar Power Station will be set up to provide solar power for the event and run the DVD Projector for the films. Solar Trailer provided by The Wayne County Sustainable Energy Network and Habitat for Humanity.
-A Windmill Demonstration featuring AZ Renewable Energy
-A Pedal Powered Generator or “Energy Bike” will be on display as a demonstration for how to use human power to charge cell phone batteries or run a laptop. This is a collaborative project involving Standing Rock Cultural Arts, The Ravenna Athletic Center, and The Kent Roosevelt High School’s Environmental Science Class and Environmental Club.
-The Bio Bus, a biodiesel mobile eco-bus of the Portage Park District will be on hand. Staff of the Park District will lead a mask making activity featuring 200 years of Wildlife in Portage County.
-The Grease Machine, An F-250 Pick-up truck that runs on Waste Vegetable Oil from Ray’s Place restaurant will be on display.
-There will be a Local Food Challenge at downtown restaurants and eateries. Each chef, cook, or baker will be invited to include an item on their menu that uses local, and if possible, organic ingredients.
Participants TBA.
-Kent Natural Foods Co-Operative will be having an Open House on April 19, offering food samples and a member discount to the general public.
- Totally Cooked Catering will be providing sumptuous delectables that are locally grown and masterfully prepared to please the palette at The Kent Stage, April 19.
-The Portage County Soil and Water Conservation District will have a Rain Garden Display in the downtown area. Location TBA.
-Design with a Vision Architecture will offer a multi-media presentation on Designing a Green Building at the Kent Stage at noon on April 19.
-Green Building Tour presented by Builder’s Diversified on Lake Street in Kent. Tour begins Friday, April 18, 10pm.
-Storytelling with full blooded Native Cherokee, Edwin George. Time and location TBA.
-A Portage County Bicentennial Coloring Contest featuring Native Plants and Animals at the Kent Stage, April 19, 10-11:30am. There will be three winners drawn from a hat and each will receive a bicycle and helmet.
-The Portage County Recycling Center will have a vermiculture display. Children and the Public will have a chance to see what a Worm Farm is.
-Native Seed Planting. Master Gardeners of Portage County will have recycled containers, a pile of dirt, and a choice of native plant seeds for children to plant and take home.
-PBS's WVIZ Ideastream, is planning to screen the film they recently co-produce titled, "*The Return of The Cuyahoga**"*
-The Davey Tree Company is planning on screening a film they helped support called "The Return of The American Elm". Filmmakers Daniel and Catherine Smith will be present.
-A Panel Discussion on the theme of Conservation is to be held at the Kent Stage on Sunday, April 20.
-Elaine Mattern and the Filmmakers Daniel and Catherine Smith will lead a discussion about the film "The Return of The American Elm."
-A modern dance performance by SAFMOD, a Cleveland-based dance phenomenon performing work on the theme of Wildlife Conservation.
-A Fashion Show highlighting recycled clothing by Tragically Delicious Eco-Fashions
-Music by The Speedbumps, The Shiva Zoo, Hal Walker and others TBA
-“Sculpture and Poems from the Tree”
-Studio 425, 425 Gougler Ave., Kent
-Tree Sculpture by Jim VandenBoom (tree from John Davey’s land)
-Poems by Home Schooled, Holden and Davey Elementary and Maplewood Career Center Students
-A Green Item Raffle will take place at the Kent Stage on April 19. Items donated by local businesses.
-Local businesses such as Kent Natural Foods Co-Operative, Haymaker Farm Market, Design With A Vision, Builder's Diversified, Organic Roots Horticulture, EnviroScience, and Renewable Lubricants will be on display in the lobby of the Kent Stage and on Main Street between Depeyster and Water Streets.
-There will also be craft booths of earth friendly crafts.
-Standing Rock Cultural Arts is working in cooperation with the The Portage Park District, The Kent Parks and Recreation Department, The Ravenna Parks and Recreation Department, The Portage County Soil and Water Conservation District, The Portage County Recycling Center, The Portage County Bicentennial Committee, Main Street Kent and The Portage County Library District on this event.
-Standing Rock Cultural Arts has been awarded grants from the Ohio Arts Council (Arts Innovation), The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (Environmental Education Mini Grant), The Kent Environmental Council, and The Sylvia Coogan Foundation for the 2008 festival.
-Current sponsors include The Record Publishing Co, The Davey Tree Expert Company, AZ Renewable Energy, Green Energy Ohio, Portage Area Regional Transportation Authority (PARTA) and EnviroScience Inc, The Water Resources Research Institute of Kent State University, The Portage County Health District, Organic Roots Horticulture, H-W Organic Farms, Balanced Living Magazine, The Daily Kent Stater, City Bank Antiques, Design with a Vision Green Building Designs, The Portage County Local Emergency Planning Committee (PCLEPC), The Hoppin Frog Brewery, The Great Lakes Brewing Company, Abruzzos Wine and Homebrew Supply, The Master Gardeners of Portage County and more..
-We are also looking for sponsors who would like to be a part of this exciting and worthwhile event on April 19.
-Sponsors would receive free passes to the event at The Kent Stage, April 19 and 20, 2008.
Sponsorship Levels:
Gardener: Wood $100
-Listed in the program of the event:
Farmer: Bronze $300
-Listed on printed materials (posters, fliers, program):
-Booth Space at Event:
Solarian: Silver $500
-Business Card Size Ad in program (plus logo on printed materials)
-Booth Space at Event
Aquarian (Lead Sponsor:) Gold $1000
-Logo on 12' x 15' banner and all promotional materials.
-Booth Space at Event.
Champion Tree Sponsor: Platinum $1,500.00 +
-Top Billing on all promotional materials
-Booth Space at Event
-Mentioned on Main Stage at Event
In-Kind Donations such as solar panels or deep cycle batteries, marketing and publicity materials, and compact fluorescent bulbs are accepted and appreciated as well.
Checks payable to
Standing Rock Cultural Arts
257 N. Water St
Kent, OH 44240
Thank you for your time and consideration,
"Who's Your Mama?" Earth Day and Environmental Film Festival
Standing Rock Cultural Arts
257 N. Water St.
Kent, OH 44240
Current Schedule of Festival Events and Activities.
Check www.whosyourmama.org for updates.
Ladesbet Giriş
11 months ago
Gadrey, It almost makes me wish I could attend in person! This is a real event! It is this kind of ground roots activism and community participation that negates the millions of dollars wasted by the anti global warming political groups, who are about to pollute your airwaves with a new round of anti Al Gore advertising....
I recieved a real "canary in the coal mine" moment last night watching BBC News. They were reporting about local British towns who were voluntarily cutting back on municipal lighting and interviews with citizens who were cutting down on their auto use.
There were pictures of people walking at night along unlit city streets with flashlights. Unlit highways with signs reading "Experimental Light Reduction Zone Ahead". The Unlit highways were lit with low energy LED solar powered highway markers embedded in the berm.
They acted as if this was voluntary and how much they thought what good it was doing for the planet. Of course, that's true, but it wouldn't be voluntary or talked about if this was not already the wave of the future!
The funniest/tragic piece of info I can add is Karl Roves "scare tactic" comments on FOX last week where he tried to paint a scenario of oil barrel prices rising to $200+ if America pulled out of Iraq.
It doesn't take that much intelligence to see that when America invaded Iraq, barrel prices were around $50 and since Rove made his statement last week, the price has risen almost a dollar a day!
Soooo....using the Rovian lexicon of terror as my guide for logic,
If we pull out of Iraq, oil will shoot to 200 a barrel? But if we stay there for another 2 years?
$1000 a barrel? $2000? do I have any bids?
Oil will go to $200/barrel whether or not U.S. troops remain in Iraq. It will take 2 to 5 years, but it will happen. Not that there's much real chance of U.S. troops leaving Iraq in that time anyway, no matter who the next president is.
And "using the Rovian lexicon of terror as my guide for logic," is a poor tool for predicting commodity prices. You might want to watch the industrial expansion of India and especially of China, if you want an insight into the growing demand for oil. As long as that demand continues to grow faster than supply, the price will go nowhere but up.
Personally, I'd like it if the oil got used up as soon as possible. Then I'd be back walking to work which would be much healthier for me.
Nothing stops you from doing that right away. Of course, once the oil is gone, heh heh, employment as you know it will be vastly different, and far less satisfactory.
All I need are some kids and an empty space. Don't need any petroleum products to do theatre.
All the kids and the empty space need to be in walking distance from your house. Loss of school buses makes for smaller groups of reachable kids, which in turn makes for smaller schools / school districts / school budgets / etc. All of which makes for less likelihood of schools finding funding for teachers in your particular specialty. That plus the general world-wide impoverishment and immiseration that will directly result from all transportation becoming completely unaffordable in your post-oil utopia. Not that there will actually BE any kids in school, post-oil, because they'll all be either subsistence farmers or urban scavengers.
Thanks for the great info!!
Amy P
Snoop -- we can play at interesting disaster scenarios if you like. In your pessimistic view, how long before there is no petroleum left? In your view, I take it, the masses of human beings will not conserve nor will the forces of govt and/or business move toward sustainable energy forms in any meaningful way before major disasters strike.
"In your pessimistic view, how long before there is no petroleum left?"
Hard to say. It’s not like there’s a single “Hubbert’s Peak” [*] for the whole world. Pretty sure we're past Hubbert's peak in N.America, but it took us the entire 20th century to get here. Also pretty sure they’re past it in Saudi Arabia, and maybe in the whole Middle East, where it only took us the latter half of the previous century to get here. So that’s the bad news.
" In your view, I take it, the masses of human beings will not conserve”
Oh yes we will. The price per barrel may have to double one or two more times, but price-driven conservation will definitely be taking place, within our lifetimes.
” nor will the forces of govt and/or business move toward sustainable energy forms in any meaningful way before major disasters strike."
Speaking only of the USA, I figure thusly: The forces of government will roadblock the forces of business for as long as the public tolerates the too-high cost of energy. Give that ten to fifteen years, minimum. Then somebody will take a look at France, notice how cheap and how clean the energy over there is. Ten years or so later, a bunch of new nuclear power plants will come on-line. If there’s still any natural gas left by that time, we might stop wasting it in electrical power plants and start using it to run the passenger trains. But highway congestion and airline travel will both have to become about twice as intolerable as they already are, before there’s any public investment, let alone private investment, in bringing back intercity rail travel. Still, given the 25-or-so years that went by in the beginning of this paragraph, that stuff should just about be in place by that time. By “that time” I mean the middle of this century, give or take a decade.
That’s my optimistic scenario, postulating no major disasters. A disaster-free half-century is fairly unrealistic, however.
[*Hubbert's Peak is when we achieve maximum oil production and begin a long decline, coupled with highly rising prices.]
But thanks for asking.
Organic products are essentially earth-friendly, sustainable and natural, not only in its entity but in production mode. Which makes safer and healthier.
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