Mike, however, runs a smooth and clean operation. He's got a new web site up:
Everyone who registers there will automatically get the PDF "Man for America," a full bio on Senator Gravel and more. Plus, they'll also get the opportunity to ask the Senator a question he will answer on his new LIVE weekly videoblogs.He's seeking public funding for his campaign and is close to getting the matching funds necessary. He only needs $744 in Ohio, because I just sent him another 50 because I was feeling so damn frustrated by the War That Never Ends and the enablers of it from both sides. Nobody wants to take a principled stand any more. Nobody except Mike Gravel.
So Come on Ohio -- Let's get Mike Gravel his matching funds. Isn't it reassuring to look at a figure in the hundreds rather than all those gaudy corrupt millions sported by the other candidates?
Here's Mike on Matching Campaign Funds:
For the next month, I will be campaigning in key states across the
country, which means I will need your support now more than ever.
Because I do not have the deep-pocket support of corporate interest
groups, I am focused on securing federal matching funds for the
campaign, which will bring in as much as $200,000.
The federal matching funds program is one of the best ways to raise
money without having to sell out. But not surprisingly, those in
power have set the bar high and made it difficult to do this. There
are a host of rules limiting the dollar amount of donations, but
simply put: If I can raise $5,000 in 20 states, I can qualify.
There are a lot of details and rules, but the bottom line is, we
need your support in the states below more than ever. Please email
your friends in the following states to donate now using the links
below. As soon as we raise the money stated in these states, we
get our check from the federal government.
If you live in the following states or know someone who does, I am
asking for your help supporting my campaign. I need to raise at
least the following amounts:
COLORADO: $1,169
MARYLAND: $1,109
NEW HAMPSHIRE: $730 (very close NH!)
OHIO: $794 (close Ohio!)
Of course, you can see this hasn't been a problem for me in many
states. For example, in Alaska, California, Florida, Massachusetts,
New Jersey, New York, North Carolina and Oregon, I have raised
enough funds to qualify -- thank you to those states!
We can change the way Washington works together. Really. I've been
around long enough to know the game. Get me in the game, keep me
there, donate now!
1. Credit Card: https://secure.gravel2008.us/donate.php
2. Paypal: http://www.gravel2008.us/donatepaypal
3. Check/Money Order: https://secure.gravel2008.us/donate-mail.php
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