Eww. I use Ebay quite a bit. Now every time I go there, I'm going to be thinking about Mitt Romney. Drat!EBay chief executive to speak for Romney
CLEVELAND: Meg Whitman, chief executive officer of eBay, will visit The Union Club, 1211 Euclid Ave., on Monday to support a fundraiser for Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney.
Whitman will be available for a roundtable discussion at 6 p.m. and deliver remarks at a general reception at 6:30.
The cost is $500 for the roundtable and general reception, or $250 for the general reception.
Ladesbet Giriş
11 months ago
Thinking (about ANYTHING, really) might prove healthy!
I use ebay quite a lot also and I was surprised at finding out that they were such big supporters of the Republican party. Now the Mitt Romney connection!
Anonymous -- I agree, and try to do some of it every day.
M-dot! I suppose now we'll have to look for an ebay alternative that is healthy and planet-sustaining.
What's worked for me for years is denial, just forget you ever heard about the Mitt connection, I will. That technique is also very handy with Mel Gibson movies.
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