I deleted a couple of comments posted last night that were graffiti rather than any sort of rational debate or comment. The Village Green reserves the right to remove vulgar scrawls and offensive smears.
Carry on!
Ladesbet Giriş
11 months ago
Thats bunk.
It's an individual aesthetic, actually. Some people like to live in chaos with rude words all around. I prefer to pick up the spam and toss it out along with the trolls. I mean this place is called The Village Green, not Throw Trash Everywhere.
Hey, Village Green, I like your good humor and well-written articles on important topics. They are fine reminders of what we need to think about and act on. Most of the comments you get are thoughtful contributions. But a two-word un-original comment such as the recent one from anonymous only serves to reveal a shallow mind.
I can live with shallow commenting -- it only reflects upon the one posting. However, when juvenile comments show up that have nothing to do with anything other than general disruption, I feel moved to get out the cleaners and scrub them away!
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