I found this via Huffpost. First time I've tried using Comedy Central's video embed code. This clip shows the master political satirist at work on the always creepy vice president.
Ladesbet Giriş
11 months ago
Long Live the Village Green was once a blog in which I shared my concerns for our earth's well being, while exploring ways to make my life more sustainable and less harmful to the planet. Time passes and focus shifts, especially when forces array themselves against the public school system. As a public school teacher, I see top-down decisions destroying years of progress and growth. This blog will now focus on speaking truth to those who would privatize education.
Truly superb. One of Jon's best efforts. Thanks for putting it on. Why doesn't network news do this sort of thing-researching and putting on taped evidence of the conflicting statements of lying, thieving Cheney, Bush, etc.?
Network news doesn't like to research, they'd rather simply react to what is happening. We should not call them news reporters any more. News squackers is more apt.
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