Why are atheists angry? Maybe because so many religionists really believe we are the spawn of satan and are doomed to burn in hell. I was lucky enough to be born into a godless family, but growing up I had to contend with kids who picked on me because I had no religion and with neighbors who shunned me and wouldn't let me play with their kids because I didn't go to church. The worst ones were those who would invite me over for an over-nighter on Saturday night so that they could hustle me off to their church before taking me home. (I soon learned to avoid Saturday night stay-overs!) I'm 55 years old and I still remember and resent all the prejudicial behavior from my early years.

I am planning to review Sam Harris' new book, Letter to a Christian Nation, but haven't had the time. I expect to get to it over winter break -- just in time for the holiday season!
But in the meantime if you need a good dose of skepticism, I do recommend God Is For Suckers -- they keep tabs on all the religious threats and absurdities.
I can say from previous personal experience, when you tell someone you are an atheist they act like "oh, poor dear...you just haven't found your way yet." That would be enough to make anyone angry. But I've long gotten over that. Now when that type of person acts this way I just turn the tables with an "oh, you poor diluted creature....how cute that you believe in such things." Really pisses 'em off. Childish? Maybe, but fun nonetheless
Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion!
Just started reading it!
I've always felt (this revelation came to me as a deranged nun was pounding my head against a tile wall when I was 12)that atheism is a product of evolution of the conciousness. Primitive man needed gods, but to make the step to this new reality requires intellectual guts!
Good point. That's how I feel. Eventually humans will evolve past the need to believe in gods. Haven't read The God Delusion yet, but The Blind Watchmaker was good...
The God Delusion is on my to buy list. It's Teacher discount day at the local Barnes and Noble this Saturday and I'm thinking I will snap that one up.
have you seen the video "The God Who Wasn't There"? Outstanding!
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