After weeks of anti-Judy Hanna ads implying that she is a commie red pro-Green godless liberal activist in league with Satan (I'm exaggerating, but only slightly!) I finally get a piece of mail with the name "Coughlin" attached to it. But it is not from Kevin -- it's from his lovely wife Anne . I know she is lovely because a glossy family photo of Kevin, Anne and their two charmingly blonde daughters is included in the mailing.
The pitch takes the form of a personal letter, hand-written and photocopied onto personal stationery. Anne is writing to ask me to vote for her husband. She gives me a lot of reasons, but somehow they don't seem to be quite valid.
She tells me, for example, that Kevin has "worked hard to make sure every child has a quality education" and that he has "secured billions of dollars to build new schools and put more money into the classroom." She makes it sound like Kevin did this all by himself -- no mention of working together in a bipartisan manner or even working with fellow Republicans. Whoops -- the word "Republican" does not appear anywhere in this mailing.
So every child in Ohio now has a quality education? Or did he just mean every child in Cuyahoga Falls? Every white child in Cuyahoga Falls -- maybe. How about the children in Cuyahoga county? How about the children living in poverty all over the state of Ohio who don't get enough to eat at home where they receive little in the way of mental stiumlation and emotional nurturning to prepare them for the rigors of standardized curriculum and testing.
Anne also claims that Ohio has moved from 48th in the nation in state funding for schools to 14th. She does not list a source for that statistic. I spent a good 15 minutes trying to find that statistic and failed miserably. The major problem being her statistic is not specific enough. Is she talking about state funding for school operations or building new schools or funding for literacy programs. Does she think that I'm going to accept her statistics just on her own say-so?
Evidently so, because after all this is a proud wife endorsing her husband. Since the ABJ wouldn't do it, Anne steps up to the plate!
The Village Green continues to support Judy Hanna for our state senator. We like it that she is concerned about environmental issues. We think Judy will pay attention to all the students living in her district and throughout the state. Vote for Judy Hanna, not Anne Coughlin's husband on November 7th.
Ladesbet Giriş
11 months ago
The study that ranks Ohio 14th in the nation in state funding of public schools comes from the annual surbey of public ed done by....Drumroll... the NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION! It's on their website.
Want another study? Try the American Legislative Exchange Council Report Card, December 2005. Ohio ranks 14th there, too.
Well, you tried hard to land a punch there, but you have to hand it Kevin.
He's a great campaigner and - even though he's from a different part of the political spectrum - he's doing a good job and a lot of Dems like him.
I think Judy never had a chance. It got interesting briefly because of the anti-incumbent and anti-Republican mood. But Coughlin's stayed up in this race. Because it's a race for State Senate, nobody's going to spend much time studying why. It just is what it is, I guess.
The Republicans put a lot of money behind Kevin Coughlin. I've received more paper from him than any other candidate of either party. Somebody wants him to win real bad.
Do any of you Anonymous folks know if the big boost in Ohio school funding includes the billions going to replacing crumbling schools throughout the state?
Coughlin and the other Repubs ruling the state of Ohio have continued to support charter schools while ignoring the Ohio Supreme court's ruling on school funding -- so all his claims of hard work for the schools are simply smoke and mirrors. Schools in Ohio do not give all students access to a quality education. School levies continue to be voted down. What's Coughlin done to help the Akron Public Schools? Come on fans of Coughlin -- give me the scoop.
It does not. The figures Coughlin cites don't include the money for school construction.
Adding that just wouldn't be fair.
How's he helped APS? Well if it weren't for Coughlin, a little known part of the school funding formula called the cost of doing business factor would have disappeared three years ago.
This factor actually gets more state money to schools in Summit County because of its urban nature. (About $400-$500 more per pupil than non-urban counties) Higher wages, real estate, energy, etc costs in the Akron Public Schools require this extra juice from Columbus.
He's in there fighting against members of his own party to keep the juice flowing. Elect Hanna and she won't even be in the room. Bye Bye cost of doing business factor.
Dr. Small would call that devasting.
Thanks for all the information. Now, could you please point me in the direction of who is funding his campaign?
Hey, I see that First Energy gave more to Kevin Coughlin than any other state legislator. Lots more. On the Ohio Senate Energy, Natural Resources and Environment Committee, Coughlin gets $13,ooo from First Energy. The next biggest contribution from FE to a committee member is 2K. This is from 2003, so I'm betting he's gotten quite a bit more from FE over the years. I see he's also cozy with the insurance industry. Next step would be to check out his votes on matters of interst to those contributors -- but it's late and I'll leave that for Anonymous to track down.
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